
Weekly recap: 2/9 - 2/15

This was a very good week of training. I hit all my workouts and felt solid from Wednesday through Sunday. The interval session on Wednesday went well despite running in the dark on Herndon High's track. The highlight was the long run on Sunday where I held my goal pace for 18 miles. This was a big confidence booster as I go into the final 2-3 weeks of hard training and then taper.

Next week I'm racing the Colonial Half Marathon on Sunday. It should be a great test of fitness on a challenging course.

Monday 02/09/09
Off 0:00:00 0.0
Tuesday 02/10/09 Easy Run on the W&OD. Didn't feel so hot during this run. Stride felt off and my stomach felt funny. Did a couple strides on the second half and felt a little better. Ran a little slower than normal given my HR. 1:10:02 8.6
Wednesday 02/11/09 9 Miles w/ 5x1000m (.65) @ 5k pace w/ 2 min recovery. Did this on the Herndon High Track. Felt really good despite no lights and high winds.
1. 4:01 (6:11 pace)
2. 3:58 (6:06 pace)
3. 4:01 (6:11 pace)
4. 4:04 (6:16 pace)
5. 4:05 (6:17 pace)
1:16:23 9.6
Thursday 02/12/09 Off 0:00:00 0.0
Friday 02/13/09 Easy Medium Distance Run on W&OD. Felt really good. Stride was dialed in and effortless. Ran 7:50s with HR in low 140s. 1:36:45 12.1
Saturday 02/14/09 Recovery Run on treadmill. Kept things easy at 8:15 pace. First run in Lunar Racers and felt good. 0:41:45 5.0
Sunday 02/15/09 18 Miles @ marathon pace. Huge run. Tried to recreate the race plan with a relaxed first mile and then settling into pace. Had some issues with Fuel Belt but overall a great run. Only blemish -- GI stop at mile 15. Avereged 7:11 and 155 BPM. 2:09:58 18.1
Week 16 Totals 6:54:53 53.4

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