
and it begins...

OK - So I'm starting a blog to document the next four months of my life as I prepare to race a marathon on late March. The key thing to note is this: my goal is to race the marathon, not just run it.

I've done two marathons in two years with wildly varying results.

My first marathon (2007 Marine Corp Marathon) was a colossal disaster. Following the 2007 triathlon season - I followed a compressed marathon training cycle. Over 7 weeks I built up to a 23 mile long run and felt confident I could comfortably cover the distance under 4 hours. While my training went well, my race execution went horribly wrong. I ran 4:05 in what is considered the worst and most painful racing experience of my life.

My second marathon went surprisingly well. I registered for the 2008 Baltimore marathon at the last minute to support my wife who planned on racing back in the Spring. I wrapped up an excellent triathlon season and did ZERO marathon preparation. My long run was 13 miles and I went into the race in great triathlon shape, not marathon shape. What I lacked in prep I made up for in execution. I pulled off a 3:33 on a very challenging course.

The results from Baltimore have once again peaked my interest in racing a marathon as fast as I can.

For my third 42 KM running event, I plan on doing a carefully calculated and planned training cycle over four months. The ulitimate goal will be to run 3:10:59 or faster - the qualifying time for the Boston Marathon. In the running community this is known as a BQ.

Thus begins Project BQ.

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